Thursday, March 20th - Vase of Wildflowers
Thursday, April 17th - Baby Animals
Thursday, May 22nd - Butterfly & Wild Flowers
Thursday, June 19th - Seagull on Post
Thursday, July 17th - Mountain Side
Connie Rhodes and Barbara Gabel invite you to the world of artistic fun! This is a fun interactive class that will have your imagination running wild.
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Fee: $30 per class
Ages: 16 years and up
Instructor: Connie Rhodes & Barbara Gabel
Location: NRC Sunflower Room
Registration Deadline: Sunday prior to each class.
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 20
Note: All supplies are included.
Tuesdays & Saturdays
July 8th - July 26th
In this class we will be building balance and flexibility, strength training and conditioning with basic gymnastics skills.
Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Saturdays, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Fee: $50
Registration Deadlines: Monday, June 30th
Virtual Fitness Program
Short, effective workouts to jumpstart your fitness!
Express Fit is a 3-week fitness program designed to deliver results in just 10-15 minutes a day. This program blends cardio and resistance training, offering workouts that either combine the two or focus solely on strength training. Each session offers standing and mat options, along with high and low impact modifications, making it accessible for all fitness levels. Whether you’re building strength, boosting endurance, or just fitting in a quick, effective workout, Express Fit helps you stay consistent without taking up your whole day.
Fee: $12
Ages: 12 and up
Available Starting: June 2025
Note: E-mail will be sent out with a YouTube link for you to access the program. You’ll need a set of weights, plus simple household support like a wall, chair, or the back of a sofa, and a mat for floor exercises. *Looking for more virtual fitness options? Visit Newton Recreation Commission for details on our other virtual fitness programs.
Saturday, July 19th
Join us for our Community Wide Garage Sale. If you are looking to get rid of your old stuff, rent a booth at our sale and leave all of the advertising up to us! Plus the weather is guaranteed to be great inside of our gymnasium.
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Fee: $25 per booth
Location: NRC Gymnasium
Entrance: FREE!
Registration Deadline: Monday, July 14th
Minimum: 15 booths Maximum: 35 booths
Note: Each booth will receive one table. If you need more they are available to rent for $5 each and must be paid for at time of registration. Set up will begin at 7:30 AM.
Session I: Saturday, May 10th
Session II: Saturday, August 2nd
Learn how to defend yourself when someone is trying to attack you. With the guidance of NRC Tae Kwon Do instructor Dany Monares, you will gain self-confidence and learn effective techniques to defend yourself against an attacker.
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Fee: $15 per session
Ages: 12 and older
Instructor: Dany Monares
Location: NRC Santa Fe Room
Registration Deadline: Tuesdays, May 6th & July 29th
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 25
Saturday, June 28th
Have you ever thought about taking a martial arts class but did not know what to expect? Here is an opportunity to attend a FREE, one-time, introductory class and experience what the traditional martial art of Tae Kwon Do is all about. This introductory class is designed for the beginner. This is a great opportunity for family members to participate in an activity together.
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Ages: 6 years and up (families welcomed)
Instructor: Dany Monares
Location: NRC Santa Fe Room
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 24th
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 20