NRC Clubhouse





Enrollment Packets are available now!
Paperwork for each child must be completed before attendance in the program.


Summer Family Meeting
Tuesday, May 13th

Whether you have participated in previous summers or this is your first one with us, we invite you to our Summer Family Meeting! Come mingle with fellow parents, meet our dedicated staff, ask any questions you may have, and get a sneak peek into summer activities. 
Time: 6:30 PM 
Location: Sunset Elementary Gymnasium
          619 Boyd Ave, Newton


SCHOOL YEAR 2024/2025




USD 373 Early Release School Day Care
We are excited to offer childcare with the new USD #373 once-a-month early release days. All early release childcare will be located at Slate Creek Elementary School. Please take note of the following important details to ensure a smooth experience:

  • Pre-Registration Required: Parents must pre-register for child care on Early Release School Days. Registration will open 2 weeks prior to each early release and close 1 week prior to each early release.

  • How to Register: Call (316) 283-7330 to register your child for early release care.

  • Transportation Arrangements: Parents must contact USD 373 transportation services at (316) 284-6506 to arrange for their child to be bused to Slate Creek Elementary. Please see the attached packet for more information.

  • Drop Off: Parents may also drop off their child at Slate Creek Elementary. Please ring the doorbell when you arrive to drop off your child.

  • Capacity: We can accommodate up to 40 participants on Early Release School Days.

  • Arrival: A staff member will be outside the gym to greet children arriving from their school.


    • Early Release Days are as follows (BOE Apprvd Rev. 5/13/24)

                                             (Required Pre-Registration Open)
Wednesday, April 2 (March 19 - March 26)
Wednesday, May 14 (April 30 - May 7)



Summer 2025 NRC Clubhouse

Summer was designed to give kids a break from school, let them dive into a world of exciting experiences. 
From mind-bending adventure games to honing their sports skills, unleashing creativity through building and experiments, and of course, simply having a blast! At NRC Clubhouse we’re dedicated to nurturing your child’s growth - mentally, physically and socially.  

Our weekly field trips to fun and educational destinations adds an extra layer of excitement to their journey.

Enrollment packets are available now! 
Paperwork for each child must be completed before attendance in the program. 

Our Program is KDHE Licensed and DCF approved, ensuring quality and safety!

Summer Clubhouse Dates
Tuesday, May 27th - Friday, August 8th
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Located at Sunset Elementary; 619 Boyd Ave..

1st grade - 12 years old
To participate in Summer NRC Clubhouse, children need to have finished kindergarten and must be under the age of 13 years old.

United Way Scholarship applications are available.

1/2 Day: $19
1/2 Day Full Week: $65 per child
(To receive the 1/2 day rate you must attend between 6:30 AM - 12:30 PM or 12:30 PM - 6:00 PM)
Full Day: $34 per child
Full Week: $118/$100 each additional child
Late Fee: $1/min after 6:00 PM