Monday and Thursday 12:10 - 12:50 PM
Join our lunch bunch to strengthen your core and improve your rear view. Make the most out of your lunch hour by toning, strengthening and tightening your abs, lower back and glutes. No Cardio, no sweat!
Location: NRC Railer Room
Instructor: Tracie Strain
Fee: 10-class card - $28; Drop-in fee - $4
Saturdays 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
ELASTICIZE is a 45-minute, stretching and core-strengthening choreographed workout routine. The class alternates stretching and strength exercises, targeting specific muscle groups, resulting in greater flexibility, balance, stability, and ultimately, core-conditioning. ELASTICIZE is truly for everyone, as it provides the necessary dynamics often missed in more advanced workout regiments, and can also serve as a great transitional class for those beginning their fitness journey.
Location: NRC Railer Room
Instructor: Hannah Mosher
Fee: 10 - class card - $40; Drop-in fee - $5
Click here for more information. Newton Recreation Commission